Monday, August 10, 2009


Rep. Bob Inglis was booed for telling people at a meeting to turn off Glenn Beck because he's "making" people fearful.

Noel Sheppard:

This isn't a Democrat vs. Republican issue, for any member of Congress, regardless of the aisle he or she is currently on, who isn't trying to stop the nation's current descent into socialism is going to face strong opposition in the months and years to come.

The negativity people are feeling isn't coming from conservative talkers like Beck, Limbaugh, or Hannity. After all throughout last year's campaign, especially after September's financial crisis, all Americans heard from the left and their media minions was that the world was coming to an end.

For months people were told the economy was the worst it's been since the Great Depression. You can't hear that day in and day out without becoming somewhat depressed.

Compounding this is the so-called solutions put in place by the new administration which will cause a debt explosion in this nation like nothing we've experienced since World War II. Add in pending legislation to actually tax the emission of carbon dioxide as well as move the nation towards universal healthcare and Americans are justifiably worried their country is disappearing before their very eyes.

Those like Inglis that believe this sense of fear is coming from conservative talkers are misunderstanding what's happening to our nation, and how those that are aware of it are rightfully reacting.

Exactly. At the Tea Parties I've attended, I have heard almost as much criticism of republicans (Voinovich was singled out big time here) as criticism of democrats.

But that is just another inconvenient reality.

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