Monday, August 03, 2009


The LA Times waxes politically indignant over the above poster that has been popping up all over that town. Never mind that it paints Chairman Zero as the Joker, a villainous character from the Dark Knight movie- since it's a criticism of The One it must guessed it....racist!

The Times quote, via Big Hollywood:

A new poster depicting President Obama as a version of Heath Ledger’s Joker character in The Dark Knight has appeared in Los Angeles[.]

It has a bit of everything to appeal to the drunk tank of California conservatism: Obama is in white face, his mouth (like Ledger’s Joker’s) has been grotesquely slit wide open and the word “Socialism” appears below his face. The only thing missing is a noose.

The only reason that anyone would ever dislike His Royal Messiah would just have to be his race. After all, he is the risen Christ, what other reason could there be?

Again we are taught that it's not the content of a man's character that matters, it's the color of his skin. They continue the left's perverse racist inversion of the words of Martin Luther King.

The funny part, again via Big Hollywood, is that the LATimes thought that a painting of Bush as Dracula with blood gushing out his mouth for the COVER of their weekly was just fine (image at the link).

Funny, that. Almost a

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