Friday, August 14, 2009


Greg Gutfeld, referring to Barbara Boxers dismissal of townhall protestors because they were too well dressed:

Boxer believed that these outspoken, button-downed folks were all part of a right-wing plot meant to stir up anxiety, fear, and perhaps soup. And of course, yesterday,

President Obama kept the joke alive his own town hall meeting, saying he didn’t “want people thinking I just have a bunch of plants in here.”

How funny is it then, that when it comes to plants, the leftwing response is beginning to look like a spread in “House and Garden.” Michelle Malkin points out that

the little girl that asked that key question about those old people “saying mean things” is actually the daughter of a major Obama campaigner, supporter and donor.

Now, nevermind that using a kid to smear some old folks holding signs is a tad sleazy. If an adorable child is concerned over evil people saying mean things, how can you not agree? I mean, children are our future, as long as they agree with Obama.

And besides, old people are old: a drain on our resources.

Who can blame him for believing that if you smile while you lie and hide your hatred and contempt well enough, people will believe and trust you. After all, its what go him elected.

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