I really thought that worship of The One in his position as the leader of the Fundamentalist Church of Leftism would have died down by now, I mean, c'mon, all ya gotta do is look at the evidence of your senses. But i guess, as I have found in my own life, there is no end to the depths of self-delusion to which we can subject ourselves.
Disciple Sting speaks truth to power... from Breitbart:
Sting isn't a religious man, but he says President Barack Obama might be a divine answer to the world's problems."In many ways, he's sent from God," he joked in an interview, "because the world's a mess."
But Sting is serious in his belief that Obama is the best leader to navigate the world's problems. In an interview on Wednesday, the former Police frontman said that he spent some time with Obama and "found him to be very genuine, very present, clearly super-smart, and exactly what we need in the world."
"I can't think of any be better qualified because of his background, his education, particularly in regard to Islam," he said.
Black is necessarily better than white. Islam is necessarily better than Christianity.
Its the color of one's skin, not the content of one's character that matter (Martin Luther King said the opposite, but he was a RACIST!) and Christians....well.....all they do all day is blow people up and riot so they can dominate the earth with a theocracy. The Islamic world on the other hand, has a spotless track record of being "the religion of peace."
But of course, that's not THE truth, because there IS no such thing. What was I thinkin'? I'm such a dumb, racist, redneck hillbilly! Damn. I better get my ass to a university and get me one o' them there masters degrees in English!