Thursday, September 02, 2010
They asked for 3000 troops to secure the border from people ILLEGALLY entering the country and to prevent drug lords from taking over more of AZ. What did they get? 30.
I can just hear the conversation: " 3000? Hehehehe! Knock off a couple zeros so they can feel the spit in their eyes!"
Yeah, 30.
Wednesday, September 01, 2010
From Moonbattery:
The Muslim center planned near the site of the World Trade Center attack could qualify for tax-free financing, a spokesman for City Comptroller John Liu said on Friday, and Liu is willing to consider approving the public subsidy.The Democratic comptroller's spokesman, Scott Sieber, said Liu supported the project.The reason this doesn't violate liberals' beloved "wall of separation" between the government and religion is that Islam is not a religion, but a satanic proto-fascist death cult. Nor is the mosque a house of worship; it is a flag planted in triumph amid the ashes of our dead.
Still think there's a wall of separation? I mean the one supposedly between the ruling elite left and Islamofascism.
Same hatred. Same goals.
Yeah, I don't see no kinda wall neither.
Oh wait. He was there to kill pro-life people. Not news. My bad. Move along, people.....nothing to see here......
From a list compiled at Right Wing News:
Obama's Speech: Now Is The Time We Must Honor Our Returning Troops By Transforming The Country Into Something They Wouldn't Recognize And Don't Want. -- Ace, Ace of Spades HQ
...In short, it was a pathetic mashup of schizophrenic campaign themes built up as an “Iraq speech” so the networks would carry it in full. The speech could be boiled down to “I love the troops. Cough. Iraq. Cough. Jobs, jobs, jobs. Hey, let’s go spend some more money!!!! Cough. Iraq. Cough. -- Erick Erickson, Redstate
...If you read this closely, what Obama is saying is that not only do we owe it to the troops to rally around his discredited and partisan economic agenda (“It’s our turn”), not only is it a test of our patriotism to sign on with his environmental and industrial planning schemes, but that doing so “must be our central mission as a people.”
I find everything about that offensive. -- Jonah Goldberg, The Corner
Why is it that this guy always sounds like a bloodless muppet when he's discussing things that would move a normal human being? Obama's supposed to be this great speaker, but here he was discussing what may very well be a pivotal moment of history, and he was plain old dull.
Speech Grade: D+. -- John Hawkins, Right Wing News
My reaction wasn't verbal. And it involved a toilet.
The One World Government. After all, as he has tirelessly said, "we are CITIZENS of the world."
Can't be a citizen without a government, can you? American bitches need to learn their PLACE!
So he has submitted a paper to the UN Human Rights Commission, the one chaired by low-lifes from
Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Cuba, China, and other paragons of human rights. Apparently, Kim Jong-Il and the DPRK were too busy to get named to the council. (Hot Air)
It complains of human rights violations due to Texas' new ILLEGAL immigration law. Never mind that they have no instances of anyone's human rights being violated. It was important that it be reviewed and censored by those who torture and kill gay people, stone women and engage in slavery and genocide. Because they are better than we are. Especially when some of us still believe in that old "national sovereignty" thing and the rule of opposed to the rule of rulers.
Stupid America!
Thought criminal Jan Brewer in Texas responded:
“The idea of our own American government submitting the duly enacted laws of a state of the United States to ‘review’ by the United Nations is internationalism run amok and unconstitutional,”Hahahahaha. First of all, what is this thing she calls a "state"? There are no "states," there is only THE State. And, please..... WHAT Constitution? We have CHANGE now! What a hater!
This ass-hat is arguing at Beck's rally that King was a Marxist, but could not come up with one instance of his calling for the re-distribution of wealth by The State. Pressed, his response was the same as mine always was: "you're an idiot. you're a racist."
To be fair, I don't blame him. It's terrifying to have to face the fact that everything you believe in, every bit of deluded, juvenile crap that you've made a corner stone of to prop up your wobbly ego, is nothing but bullshit.
Killed me, I can tell ya!
So lessee what the gov't media and the rest of the marxist left has to say about Beck's rally, shall we? From The Daily Caller:
“Conservative commentator Glenn Beck and tea party champion Sarah Palin appealed Saturday to a vast, predominantly white crowd on the National Mall to help restore traditional American values and honor Martin Luther King’s message.” — Associated Press“Attendees at the rally Saturday largely honored organizer requests that they not bring banners or political signs. Instead, the predominantly white crowd, many seated on folding chairs and accompanied by their children, wore t-shirts with slogans including ‘Got principles?’ and ‘Restoring Honor.’” — AFP
“Meanwhile, many in the predominantly white crowd bent over backward to insist that they are not racists and to note that the crowd was courteous, despite heat and density.” — James Hohmann, Politico
“Beck says he and his overwhelmingly white followers ‘are the inheritors and protectors of the civil- rights movement.’” — Ben Adler, Newsweek
“Though the audience at the event was overwhelmingly white, many of the speakers were African-American, including a woman who sang a song about unity.” — Brian Montopoli, CBS
“Claiming the legacy of the nation’s Founding Fathers and repeatedly evoking civil rights activist Martin Luther King Jr., the speakers at the ‘Restoring Honor’ rally exhorted a vast and overwhelmingly white crowd to concentrate not on the history that has scarred the nation but instead on what makes it ‘good.’” — Philip Rucker & Carol Morello, Washington Post
“A relatively dense and overwhelmingly white crowd stretched from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial out past the Washington Monument.” — Mark Benjamin,
“The speaker list was diverse, including African Americans, Latinos and Native Americans; Jews and Christians; clergymen, military veterans and sports stars, including Albert Pujols of the St. Louis Cardinals. The crowd, however, was overwhelmingly white.” — Michael A. Memoli and Kim Geiger, LA Times
“Out in the overwhelmingly white audience… politics was everywhere, with Tea Party supporters describing the damage they envision for President Barack Obama’s Democrats in upcoming midterm elections in November.” — Mitch Potter, Toronto Star
Only race matters, not content. I enjoyed Beck showing the clip of race-huckster Al Sharpton agreeing with him that it would be good to unite people under the banner of faith, hope and charity. Beck did it, and what did Sharpton do? Held a counter protest rally. More and more the desperate left is showing their true, pardon me....colors. They are showing themsleves to be the totalitarian, lyin-ass fools that they are.
Sally Zelikovsky has a great piece at American Thinker about King and the tea party and their shared opposition to enslavement.
Of course, opposing slavery is.....RACIST!

What a priceless symbol of His Royal Majesty's reign of incompetence and perk-gathering!
Tammy Bruce says it best:
I do have a question, why is Michelle Antoinette ducking? And lastly, what the hell is wrong with these people?!
More news from the wandering Dumb Bastard, indicating the Great Communicator is actually a Whining, Incompetent, Misanthropic Cry-Baby:
Politico: Obama blasts lies, disinformation
Restoring Honor Rally? What Restoring Honor Rally?He seemed intent on casting himself as above the political fray, saying he had more important work to do than to engage in the back and forth of the political “silly season.” For example, Obama said he did not watch any of Fox News Channel host Glenn Beck’s “Restoring Honor” rally Saturday on the National Mall.
Oppose this dorky, incompetent boob? You're just being "silly"
Or maybe "playing political games." That's what Gibbs told Gretchen Carlson on Fox when she pressed him for refusing to answer a simple question. I know it's kinda hard to remember, but this here is a lil' something that we used to call "journalism." Carlson is AWESOME.
Questioning authority is a "silly political game." When questioned, laugh at the interviewer. When pressed, tell them THEY are the ones that need to answer questions. And above all, display a total contempt and dismissal of the public.
We are SO taking back the House as well as the Senate! Keep talkin' democlowns!

I guess that's not surprising seein as how RINO's are just "liberal lite."
Poor go-along-to-get-along-screw-the-people Murkowski lost to a tea party backed candidate.
Oh, the HUMANITY! To be trashed by some "stupid redneck racist!"
I have a feeling were going to see a lot more po' faces like this in November...
Go ballistic, become twisted with hate and wish decent people to die a horrible death.
You know, sorta like their natural allies do in radical Islam.
The most recent is John Cusack:
Ah, how well I remember! Unlike an adult ( or many children, for that matter), when your insane world view fails you, you re-evaluate it, grow and learn.
I never did that. I just became more hateful and indulged in thoughts of violence towards those "evil" people that showed me the truth. And then did another bong hit.