Saturday, November 01, 2008


Un-freakin-believable. THIS is the "education" brought to you by the left. It's destroyed England. Check out how the kind, highly-evolved beings of light here are working to do the same to us. From Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler:

During art class Tuesday, Jordan drew a scarred vampire with bloodshot eyes and with blood dripping from its nose, mouth and down its cheeks. Art teacher Lloyd Harold helped the boy shade the sketched eyes to give the drawing an even creepier look.

“The assignment was to draw a scary mask or picture - basically a Halloween activity,” Harold said.

Got it. Kid gets assignment to draw scary mask because well, you know, it’s Halloween and all that jazz. Kid draws scary vampire mask with some assistance from the art teacher. So where’s the story?

Oh, I think we all know where this is headed, don’t we?

As a final gory touch, Jordan used a red marker to write “I Kill For Blood” under his drawing.

Yes, that’s what vampires do. At least according to the generally accepted version of that particular bit of folklore. Apparently it’s what they use for nutrition. Pretty basic stuff there. At least he didn’t add “I don’t like sunlight very much.”

The picture was not destined for the cover of Fangoria magazine, but it fulfilled the requirement for fifth-grade Halloween art.

However, when Jordan’s homeroom teacher, Melissa Pevey, saw the drawing, she found it disturbing. Pevey was concerned enough to contact assistant principal Valerie Johnson and Campus Police.

W.T.F.? Over?

Maybe it would have been more proper to contact, I don’t know, the fucking ART TEACHER if she absolutely, positively HAD to do something about that awful, horrible, making-her-wet-her-panties SCAAAARY drawing. But oh no, she ran off to the head office and the campus Gestapo right away. After stopping by the cafeteria for two dozen cloves of garlic, we suppose.

But it wasn’t blood and gore that bothered Pevey. She believed the blood looked a lot like gang-related teardrop tattoos,

Well… That’s because they’re, how about this, fucking TEARDROPS. You see, Miss Peepants, according to most literature mentioning the suspect, vampires cry blood. The kid is actually pretty well read for a fifth grader, and certainly better read than the hysterical bovine twat supposed to teach him.

and she thought the words “I Kill For Blood” could be tied to an infamous Los Angeles street gang known as The Bloods.

Because, as we all know, The Bloods are positively lousy with 12-year-olds dressing up like vampires. Better report those awful organizations running blood donor drives as well while you’re at it. What, with all of their scary “we need your blood” talk.

Burnsed said the district has asked teachers to be wary of anything that might be harmful to students. He also said the district has provided gang-identification training.

Maybe they should sit their dumb arses down in a chair and force them to read some literature instead. We suggest they start with Bram Stoker and Anne Rice.

He did not know whether classroom teachers were trained in gang symbolism.

At this point I’m not willing to say for sure that they’re trained in anything other than pissing their pants and collecting their paychecks. And that’s being generous.

“The teacher was concerned and referred it to the Campus Police,” Burnsed said. “(Campus Police Capt. Joan) Sasser wasn’t sure that it meant anything.”

Proving that Mrs. Sasser was the only adult on hand with a functional brain.

So the kid’s art teacher confirms that it was an assignment and that he actually helped the kid do it, the Campus Police aren’t sure that it means anything at all… End of story, right? Of course not. They had to do SOMETHING, didn’t they. To simply wave it off as the hysterical overreaction of a subretarded Nanny Pussy and forget it ever happened would be too much of an admission to being a bunch of incompetent, overpaid, underworked, drooling imbeciles. Also known as “the truth.”

So they resolved the issue by requiring Jordan to undergo psychological testing with Gateway Mental Health.

The only people in dire need of a trip to the shrink would be the gaggle of gargantuan gimpweasels masquerading as educators at that particular institution of non-learning.

Yeah, the publik skool system is such a success, isn’t it?

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