Thursday, October 30, 2008


John McCain criticized Barney Frank for wanting to increase spending and raise taxes.

Barney Frank said that means he's being attacked for being gay.

No really.

Victimhood has become the identity that is most aspired to by many in this country. Think about it. You can do and say anything that you want, and when you're criticized, you can just say that you're being discriminated against. Things don't go your way? It's because you're being discriminated against, not because of any decisions you yourself have made. It's a responsibility- free ride. It's the number one goal of anyone on the left and like heroin, is an almost irresistible seduction to those that try it. It ties right into the narcissistic obsession with one's feelings over logic and a clear perception of the imperfectibility of the world at large. The world isn't a perfect utopia? It's because we are being oppressed! It's not because the human heart contains both good and evil. We are all victims and The Obamessiah is gonna save us!

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